Explore Cardamon Matching Fragrances
Family: Zingiberaceae
Genus: Amomu and Elettaria
Species: A. subulatum E. cardamomum
Cardamon is a member of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae). It is native to India, and there are two main commercial species of cardamon: black and green. The white version of cardamon usually refers to green pods that have been bleached.
Cardamon is primarily used as a culinary spice in recipes, either as whole pods, seeds or in powder form. Cardamon oil is obtained by steam distillation and is used both as a medicinal spice and in fragrances.
Cardamon has been used for hundreds of years in ancient medicine and aromatherapy. Studies have found Cardamon oil to have several medicinal properties, including being antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and assisting with respiratory function.
Used primarily as a Heart Note
plural noun: botanicals
A substance obtained from a plant and typically used in medicine or cosmetic products